featured videocast

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This is what a bhanda(strike) looks like. The idea is that its a disruption of government and commerce. You're not even allowed to ride a bike, or you will have to deal with the mob.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I am just getting through a few of the images, and i feel i need to post some. i have just started on a proper online album. Heres a sneak at what i am working on.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Atlanta, Ga.

According to my contacts in the intelligence community, the numbers on the two events in Nepal are more like 300 people at Saturdays Handover ceremony, and about 350 for the medical supplies arrival celebration at the clinic on Sunday. These of course have been confirmed with satellite photos and other credible sources.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hong Kong, China

My exfil is going smooth so far. Bangkok was just a blur, a place to catch a few hours zzz's. No big shopping sprees, or pub crawls. will delay my major post til I get back to home, my new home in decatur. will be good to finally unpack, been living out of bags and backpacks since november.

Will fix some of my wreaked gear on my return, loads of photos and video to upload.

Monday, March 12, 2007

two ceremonys. 200 people at the first one and 200 at the second one, two differents towns, two trucks to carry all of the goods. two days of amazing times.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Chitwan, Nepal

All is well here in the dry and dusty terai region. My trip is near the end and this is the first internet I have found since kathmandu, and it is sloooow. So I can not post pix. The 1st ceremony went well, over 150 people, I am about to hop on the truck carry the med. supplies for its final 30 km. trip to the clinic. I leave in 2 days, and will be in Thailand on tuesday just for one evening. All is well. everyone is safe, many photos, and hours of video footage. Nameste.